Monday, December 6, 2010

Installing windows 7 over existing Windows 7

5:00 AM

I installed the Windows 7 Ultimate Edition over the existing Windows 7 Tweaked Gamer edition which had a lot of bugs and minor issues here and there.

5:30 AM

Not able to delete the Windows.old and Windows.old000 folder which were automatically created, due to some issue with access permissions. Moreover there is a huge clutter of folders in the C: which are now of no use. These folders were not removed during the install and Windows is not allowing me to delete them now.

5:40 AM

I guess I’ll format C: and again install a fresh copy of windows through USB into it to clean up all the clutter. zzZZ…

6:15 AM

Done. Laptop is as good as new Smile.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Installing Windows 7 from USB stick


The shortest and simplest way :

Download Windows 7 USB/DVD Tool


Fix for the error :

“The selected file is not a valid ISO file. Please select a valid ISO file and try again.”

is as follows :

  • Open your .iso file in Power-ISO(full version if .iso > 300 MB)
  • Go to File–>Image properties
  • Check UDF
  • Press ok
  • Save your file

Now use the Windows 7 USB/DVD tool!!


No need to open command prompt at all Open-mouthed smile.

Other method :  [However this above method didn’t work out well using virtual  drives (win-7 .iso mounted on Power-ISO). ]

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Customized 404 Not Found Page for your website

A 404 error is the response given by the web server when we try to open a page on the internet that does not exist.

If you don’t specifically tell your web server how to handle 404 errors, it will serve up a very plain and generic looking error page. That just says something like “Not Found – The requested URL was not found on this server.” on a plain white page.”


A 404 page should look like an error page, but it should still look like your website. If you are using a CMS, this is probably already handled for you. If you have a static site, you can specify a 404 template through your .htaccess file.

- source

Here is how you make your custom 404 page :

Step 1:

Suppose your Web-project folder is xampp/htdocs/test

Create a new text document in your website’s folder.

Type the following inside the text file:

ErrorDocument 404 /test/error404.php

Save the file as .htaccess

Step 2:

Next create the error404.php page in the path specified above, i.e. in the test folder in this case.

This is the page which will be shown instead of the normal 404 error page.

Sometimes there might be some Webserver issues which can be rectified as follows :

A directive should be added to your httpd.conf for the directory which your website lives in. Let's say for this example it's /www/htdocs. Here's a line in your httpd.conf that you must have for this .htaccess file to work:

<Directory /www/htdocs/yoursite>
AllowOverride FileInfo

- source


Good read :

Dedicated to X[a]T!, Os!r!S & KenSe! for their constant effort in reducing the load on Mother Earth.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Complete guide for Installing and Running your first GUI Application in Qt c++ in Windows 7 (for Newbies)

Qt is a cross-platform application and UI framework. Using Qt, you can write web-enabled applications once and deploy them across desktop, mobile and embedded operating systems without rewriting the source code.

Recently I installed Qt 4.5.2 on my Windows 7 PC and had some minor installation and post-installation issues which I shall discuss here.

Step 1.

Download Qt SDK: Follow this link to download

Qt is available for download as a free 30-day commercial evaluation, or under the LGPL open source license. Choose whichever license you want. However, every time you build projects using commercial edition Qt will display a license popup.


Step 2.

Install Qt to whichever directory you want. Like i installed it at C:\Qt\2009.03\ . This path will be needed later.

Step 3.

Write a simple Qt-c++ program like the one given below just so that we can use it to test if the installation is properly done and the environment variables are properly set. Just write this piece of code in notepad and save it as HelloQt.cpp in a directory HelloQt. Remember the path since it will be used later.

#include <QtGui/QApplication>


int main(int argc, char *argv[])


QApplication app(argc, argv);

QLabel *label = new QLabel(" Hello Qt!",0);


return app.exec();


Step 4.

Setting Environment variables.

  • From the desktop, right-click My Computer and click Properties.
  • In the System Properties window, click on the Advanced tab.
  • In the Advanced section, click the Environment Variables button.
  • Finally, in the Environment Variables window (as shown below), highlight the Path variable in the Systems Variable section and click the Edit button. Add or modify the path lines with the paths you wish the computer to access. Each different directory is separated with a semicolon as shown below.
  • Environment

    Append the following variable value to Path : C:\Qt\2009.03\bin; C:\Qt\2009.03\qt\bin

    Note that the above Path depends on the directory where Qt was installed previously, like mine was C:\Qt\2009.03\.

    Step 5.

    Open Qt command prompt which is installed along with Qt and has a shortcut in Start-menu.

    qt command prompt

    Step 6.

    Change directory to where you have saved HelloQt.cpp in your system.

    cd C:\QtProj\HelloQt

    Step 7.

    Type the following commands …

    qmake –project




    The first command will generate a .pro file (

    The next command will generate a MakeFile for your project

    Finally nmake shall create a .exe file of your project and the .exe shall be saved inside either the debug or the release folder by the name HelloQt.exe


    Problem with using nmake command

    If windows shows some error like “nmake is not a recognised internal or external command”, this means nmake is not installed on your system. To install, you need to downloading, extract, and place two files into your C:\WINDOWS\system32 or C:\WINDOWS\ folder.

    Follow the steps below to install nmake on your PC

    1. Download nmake : Use this link or Google nmake15.exe if this links is broken -
    2. Extract nmake: Run the Nmake15.exe file which will extract two files to the directory where it is located. These files will be nmake.exe and NMAKE.ERR.
    3. Now move those two extracted files to C:\WINDOWS\system32.

    This should install nmake on your system.

    If you follow the above steps correctly, you are ready to use Qt to create GUI applications on your Windows PC.

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